Cottage Craft Works Pages

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wagon Gear | Box Wagon | Covered Wagons:

Wagon Gear | Box Wagon | Covered Wagon   Wagon Gear | Box Wagon | Covered Wagon   Price- N/A (Product Info Page or Quote Based Service)  Buy Now

It’s the real McCoy, Authentic  Working Wagons with Wood Spoke Wheels.

Now you can custom build a complete authentic old time box wagon or add options to make it a covered wagon, add a chuck box and make it a chuck wagon.  This Amish builder designs and builds quality working wagons to last a lifetime.  He is very selective in choosing his materials.  Wagon wheels are built using roller bearing hubs, authentic wooden hubs are an option.  You can build a functional box wagon with brakes for only $4633 and a complete covered chuck wagon for $5588.  Others on the Internet are charging much higher prices, as much as double these prices, at Cottage Craft Works we bring you old fashioned quality and value.

Purchase option #1 is for the running gear.  Built with selected Ash lumber reinforced with steel.  Standard size is 70” hub to hub and built to hold a 38” box.  Running gear does not include the wheels or tongue.  The gear is designed with metal roller bearing axles.  Authentic wooden hub axles are optional.  Running Gear price is $1650 for a 38” box or $1750 for a 42” box.

Add-on #1- The wagon Tongue for the above also built using Ash lumber and reinforced with steel.  $250

Add-on #2- The brakes choose authentic (Rub) brakes $545 or hydraulic breaks $485

Add-on #3- The wheels choose 2” flat steel $1106 a set or 2” rubber wheels $1353 a set.  2-1/2” steel wheels $1243 a set or 2-1/2” rubber wheels $1525 a set.

Add-on #4-Wagon Box standard 38” x 10’-6” built with Popular lumber $700, 42” $800.

Add-on #5- Wagon seat built with popular lumber and quality metal springs and hardware.  Has cleats to set on top of the wagon box $235.

Add-on #6- Chuck Box built with popular lumber the lid is covered in Aluminum, the chuck box can be configured to your specifications $725.

Add-on #7- The bows set of 5 select from 2” $95 or 2-1/2” $105.

Add-on #8- The canvas measures 11-1/2’ x 12’ with loops $190.  Optional driver canopy available.

Select the options you want below, be sure to select "None" to cancel out the add-on item.

This Amish craftsman generally works on a 45 day manufacturing time frame.

Check our outdoor cooking grill and pot holder, along with our outdoor cookbook.

All prices are F.O.B. Northern Indiana. We can assist in locating a transport company to ship to your location, or drop at a farm implement dealer closer to your location. We expect depending on your location and time frame to build your wagon, we can help you locate a much lesser shipping option. However, because of the changing fuel prices we cannot guarantee any shipping quotes until the wagon is ready to ship to you. This is an offer to assist and is not contingent or conditional on acceptance of the completed wagon. Our price is based on Freight On Buyer from the manufacturer location in Northern Indiana. If we do locate a transport company for you, those charges will be at additional cost. Please e-mail us to request a F.O.B. quote.

Wagon Gear | Box Wagon | Covered Wagon  Wagon Gear | Box Wagon | Covered Wagon  Price- N/A (Product Info Page or Quote Based Service) Buy Now 
Cottage Craft Works BY Cottage Craft Works PRODUCTS™

wooden wagons | covered wagons | reproduction covered chuck wagon | chuck wagon | covered wagons | wagons used in wagon trains | box wagon | wagon gear | wooden wagon wheels | historical wagons | reenactment wagons | wagons used in reenactments | western wagons

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