Cottage Craft Works Pages

Monday, October 8, 2012

Poultry Feather Pluckers

Mechanical Feather Plucker | Poultry | Game Bird | Scalding and Processing


Plucks off the feathers of poultry and game birds after scalding in just 20 seconds!

this lens' photo
Models for chicken, turkey, and wild game birds are available online from Cottage Craft Works .com

Featherman a small manufacture located in the heart of the Missouri Amish communities have been manufacturing and selling high quality poultry processing equipment around the world since 2000.

They have perfected the design first plucker developed by an Amish gentleman which inspired the plans for the famous Wiz Bang Chicken Plucker.

Since that time they have developed models for turkey and wild game birds, as well as a gas fired hot water scalder and the dipping shackles.

The birds are first slaughtered using a killing cone to allow the carcass to properly bleed out. The birds are then dunked into several times in 145-150 degree scalding water to loosen the skin holding the feathers.

After the scalding the birds are placed in the plucking machine that will clean up to 4-5 birds at a time in 20 seconds.

The birds are then fished by cutting the head, feet and removal of the internals. A good rinse inside and out the birds are ready to be cooled quickly in a ice water bath before being placed in freezer bags.

The Featherman PRO Chicken Feather Plucker

The fastest way to pluck chicken feathers!

Featherman Pro PluckerHook up electric and a water hose and you are good to good. Non-electric model also available.

After scalding chickens drop 4 or 5 birds into the tub. Within 20 seconds the birds will be picked clean, and the feathers will be neatly washed out into a bucket.

No pin feathers, no mess, and no backache!

Available online at Cottage Craft Works .com

Capacity: 3 - 50 pounds of birds, optimum 30 pounds
Tub diameter: 22 inches
Height: 33 inches
Footprint: 25 x 28 inches
Weight: 125 lbs.
Motor: 1 hp 115 Volts

1 hp motor
10:1 speed reducer for more power
tub and housing constructed of high density UV-resistant, food-grade, molded plastic
easy clean-up feather chute
water spray ring
knee-high waterproof switch
119 ultra-soft plucking fingers

The Featherman Turkey Feather Plucker

Perfect for a large family farm to the commercial turkey grower!

Turkey Feather PluckerHooks to electric (220 volt required) and a water hose.

All the same features as the PRO model

The turkey plucker will hold up to 75lbs ( 3-4, 15-20 lbs birds) and clean In 20 seconds.

The tub and housing constructed of high density UV-resistant, food-grade, molded plastic.

Built strong for commercial use or as a rental.

Tub diameter: 32 inches
Height: 33 inches
Width: 35 inches
Length: 28 inches
Motor: 220 Volts

The Featherman Poultry Scalder

The secret to easy feather removal is in the scalding process

The scalding process allows the skin holding in the feathers to become relaxed. If the dunking process is too short the feathers won't remove properly, if the process is too long the poultry will begin to cook.

This portable gas fried scalder is thermostatically controlled to hold a constant temperature. Once the number of dunks and timing under the scalding water is processed to easily pull even the tiny pin feathers, the process becomes routine and ready to move batches on over to the plucking process.

Made of high quality Stainless Steel featuring a 65,000 to 70,000 BTU propane burner.

Will hold four birds at a time (40 gallons) Best when used with the four bird shackle and dunking system.

Unit has a drain valve, protective rim, side-mounted chimney. One year complete warranty.

Cottage Craft Works .com also has wood fired outdoor cookers and canners that can also be used as scalders.

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