Cottage Craft Works Pages

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Heavy Duty Improved German Sewing Machine Air Lift

For years these German made sewing machine air lift mechanisms have been the choice for sewing machine cabinet manufactures. For years consumers have commented about the paint on the upright support would wear down, pit and gum up the roller bearings.

That issue has now been resolved with the introduction of a new zinc plated upright providing a durable surface for the roller bearings to ride up and down on the upright without chipping off any paint.

These are still the same German made airlifts being imported and sold by several US companies. Cottage Craft specializes in Amish made sewing cabinets and also makes the same sewing cabinet hardware used in the Amish cabinets available for those who want to build a sewing cabinet or are in need of replacing old hardware.

Working with the largest Amish hardware supply company Cottage Craft Works is able to provide the heavy duty 50 lb sewing air lift for about the same price as others are selling the lighter duty air lift for.

This can be a significant savings over what you might pay if you purchase this heaver duty lift elsewhere.

The lift operates off a cable and pulley system attached to a pressurized air cylinder similar to those used on automobile back hatch lids.

Cottage Craft is a full line old fashioned online general store dedicated to self sustaining lifestyles.  

The company has gained a respected reputation and was mentioned in the December/January 2015 issue of Vogue Patterns Magazine as a resource for Amish handcrafted sewing machine cabinets.

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