Cottage Craft Works Pages

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Hand Pushed Garden Cultivators

Old fashioned hand push garden cultivators are making a strong come back as people turn to safer home grown vegetables. Shop one of the largest selections of hand push garden cultivators, featuring Amish USA made garden cultivators for any size and type of garden. Garden cultivators are available for men, women and children size gardeners.

People are returning to back yard vegetable gardens. More and more news reports show just how vulnerable our food chain is with contaminates, concerns with chemical and genetic altered vegetables being linked to serious health issues within the population.  It is also at a time when increased fresh vegetable consumption is being strongly recommended to reduce the risk of obesity and heart diseases.

Those who grown their vegetables can select Non-GMO seeds and use organic gardening methods for the safest and freshest vegetable and produce for their families.

Whether you’re growing a large, small, or even a container patio garden quality well built garden tools are essential.

Backyard gardening is not a new concept just a lost one.  At the turn of the Century and even long before almost every family grew vegetables and produce in a back yard vegetable garden. This was the only real option for fresh vegetables as most local general stores only carried a few canned and dry food items.

The hand push garden push cultivator was a basic necessity then as they are still today in the Amish self sustaining communities.

The Amish make their garden cultivators for long term use. You simply will not find the cheaper imported big wheel cultivators being used by the Amish because they are not as well made, harder to push and just don’t withstand long term use.

The owners at Cottage Craft Works go deep into the Amish communities to seek out and bring to the general public these well made garden cultivators and other Amish made products. 

Many of the Amish products are continued productions of the original time trusted designs.  As the country shifted over from home grown to store bought the Amish began having difficulty in finding companies who were still making the old fashioned products. Amish blacksmith and metal working shops began to reproduce those items to continue the Amish sustainable way of life.

The Hoss Wheel Hoe Garden Cultivators are actual reproductions of the once popular Planet Junior Garden Cultivators and are still considered the Cadillac of garden cultivators. The Wheel Hoe Garden Cultivators have the most available options from different cutting and slicing blades to a garden disk harrow as well as a garden seeder. They are also available in a single wheel or double wheel models, The double wheel straddles small plantings so that you can cultivate both sides of a row at the same time.  

The Weed & Till Rotary Garden Cultivator is another old time favorite reproduction.  It features a rolling drum with sharp cutting blade to chop weeds and then the traditional cultivating tines
The Flip and Go Garden Cultivator is a great example of Amish time saving ingenuity. It saves time from changing out the cultivating tines to a plow by simply flipping the cultivator over.

The E-Z Till, Easy Push and Gardener Choice Garden Cultivators are all designed for the Amish women and children in mind. They are the ones who mostly tend to the vegetable gardening and produce while the Amish men and older boys tend to the farm crops.  The cultivators feature a simple design using a hard rubber bicycle wheel in place of the traditional metal wheels.  The design makes the cultivator lighter weight and easier to maneuver.

Cottage Craft is a unique general store with an emporium of old fashioned USA made products.  Most of the products are still being made in small Amish shops where the shop owner still hand makes and packages their products.

See all of the Amish gardencultivators and attachments. Cottage Craft Works Garden Cultivators  

                                                   Easy Push Garden Cultivator

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