Cottage Craft Works Pages

Friday, February 22, 2019

Pressing Tinctures, Herbal Oils, Extracts, Using A Hydraulic Press

Get the maximum extract from your tincture mixes from herbs and plants for medicinal as well as flavor enhancers. 

When it comes maximizing the fruits of your labor and squeezing absolutely every droplet form expensive herbs and plants only a hydraulic tincture-herb-oil press will give you commercial duty results. The more tonnage of pressure the more dryer pulp plug known as the “marc” will become allowing the most potent tinctures to be squeezed out.

Hand screw presses just don’t apply the types of pressure to bear down on the marc thus as much as 20%-40% of the most beneficial tincture is left untouched and eventually thrown away with the marc.

The self-sufficient Amish probably understands the concept of getting the most benefits and usefulness of the manual labors and tools used in order to sustain their lifestyle.

Extracting essential herbs and oils is a large part of the Amish way of life for making homemade flavor enhancers, soaps, candles, medicinal salves, and tonics.

The Amish also grow most all their herbs and hand-collect wild plant leaves and roots to make their own tincture brews. They want to make the most of the hard work it takes to do so.

Thus, when it comes to making functional items to get the job done, they tend to do an overkill above anything else on the market both for long term use and the maximum output. They tend to use substantially thicker raw materials in the metal parts and overengineer the construction.

While most tincture hydraulic jack presses use a 6-Ton bottle jack the Amish step it up and use an 8-Ton or even a 20-Ton jack. While most use just any imported bottle jack the Amish use only a well-made USA bottle jack built in ISO certified factories.

CCW USA Amish Tincture Press

Time is important and to support the extra-large families most everything they make must be oversized as well. So, instead of making a ½ gallon press the Amish made tincture press has a one-gallon capacity.

The extra pressing power with the heavier construction and capacity places this tincture press more on the level of a commercial lab press.

Aside from pressing tincture and essential oils the Amish also use this tincture press for other uses such as pressing cheese and fruit juices.

You will only find the 8 & 20 Ton Amish USA made tincture press online at Cottage Craft

Cottage Craft Works is a unique general store that works closely with Amish cottage based shops to bring old-fashioned USA quality made products to the general market place.

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