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Showing posts with label ice cream freezers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ice cream freezers. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Best Hand Crank Ice Cream Makers Ever Made

These are the real McCoy, old-fashioned hand crank ice cream makers built like things used to be. Built for serious homemade ice cream making year-round.

No more disappointing the family when the ice cream maker fails. These old-fashioned US made high-quality ice cream making machines are still being made even better than the originals that were built in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Direct from the American Heartland these brand new old-fashioned hand crank ice cream makers ship directly from the Amish shops that make them right here in the US.

Modern day materials allow the traditional hand crank ice cream freezers from yesteryear to be enhanced with stainless-steel gears, stainless-steel hardware and insulated molded leak free poly tubs that will keep finished ice cream frozen for hours

When it comes to making and consuming homemade ice cream the Amish know how to do it best and they know how to make the old-fashioned ice cream machines like they grew up with.

You might call it a homemade ice cream revolution as the public discovers the level of quality in these Amish ice cream freezers.

For years the Amish have been slowly and quietly manufacturing their own ice cream makers as they became disenchanted with the ones being made by outside companies.

The shift started when their favorite hand crank ice cream machines once made here in the US became caught up in the shift of American made products going to overseas manufacturers fuel by the demands of the mega discount stores to sell cheaper discounted products.

At first Amish machine, shops began replacing the hand crank gears with their own gears they made to last longer. Then, as the tub latches and tub ears started to decline they began making the old-fashioned cam lock tub latches from stainless steel to replace those coming from the foreign factories.

Before long the Amish had all the parts and started making their own brands of ice cream makers to sell within the various Amish communities. The Amish ice cream makers which, they call ice cream freezers were a throwback to the late 1800s and 1900s when things were just so well built you could count on them to last a lifetime and then on into the next generations.

Unbeknownst to the Amish, other people, in general, were becoming as frustrated with the run of the mill imported ice cream makers. Those who visited the Amish stores soon caught on to these better-quality ice cream makers and purchased them to take back home.

When other friends and neighbors saw the quality and how well they worked, they just had to have one of their own.

If you're fortunate to live close to an Amish community you might luck out and find one there.  If not Cottage Craft has done all the leg work for you.

This unique online general store specializes in combing the back roads in the American Amish communities to discover these high-quality products and bring them to the online marketplace.

Amish made ice cream makers have become so popular that several suppliers are now selling them online. Many will have just a few of one model sitting in a back room and have them listed on the Internet, kind of here today gone tomorrow. Many of them quickly run out of stock or have a back-order list.  They also don’t provide other options for insulated tub covers or additional parts to support the purchase long term.

Cottage Craft Works, on the other hand, works directly with the Amish shops to maintain in stock inventory and feature all the accessories and parts to support your purchase. Their web pages give you in-depth information and pictures of the ice cream machines to understand the many different brands and options.

Best of all they will directly answer the phone to walk you through any questions and Yes, you can talk directly to a knowledgeable owner that can explain the many differences in the Amish ice cream makers they have available or quickly help you to resolve any issues that you may have with one after the sale.

Cottage Craft is the largest supplier of Amish made ice cream makers offering all the brands and models made by the three Amish companies, Country, Immergood and Lifetime Ice Cream Freezers. Electric motor models are also available.

Cottage Craft online general store is full of the old-fashioned products of yesteryears still mostly made by the Amish.

In business now for over 10 years and accredited by the Better Business Bureau, Cottage Craft is definitely a reliable source for Amish ice cream machines.  

Lifetime Amish Made Ice Cream Maker

Country Amish Made Ice Cream Freezers

Monday, July 31, 2017

Wagon Mounted 20-qt Ice Cream Freezers-Makers-Machines

Wagon Mounted 20-qt Ice Cream Freezers can be operated by both gasoline and electric motors. Some models have on board freezer compressors and require no ice or salt.

For decades, the old-fashioned ice cream freezer has been churning up homemade ice cream at county fairs and festivals.

The 20-qt Amish made Country Freezer is the most popular and the only remaining company still making this large of ice cream freezer.

Many have adapted it to run off all types of motors including the old hit-n-miss motors.

As the hit-n-miss motors have become difficult to find Amish companies have moved forward to using more modern-day gasoline or electric motors.  While many can hook a motor belt and pulley to the 20-qt freezer one Amish company has engineered them to be used with onboard freezer compressors requiring no ice or salt to facilitate the freezing process.

These iceless ice cream freezers use a coil of tubing inside the tub to circulate the Freon. The tub is then filled with a food grade glycol that transfers the cold over to the ice cream freezer can. This solution is then saved and reused time after time.

This type of setup is perfect for making multiple batches of ice cream since there is no ice to empty and refill to reinsert the freezer can. Over a period, the savings of not purchasing salt and ice can add up.

Simpler models are available with the belt driven motor setups. One electric powered freezer uses a direct drive angle gear box and an electric motor on the side.

This combination has become very popular for commercial ice cream shops, organizations and just individuals who love to make homemade style ice cream. The unit is compact, doesn’t have the belt pinch points when being used around employees or in a crowd of curious people.

All the Country Ice Cream 20-qt freezers have NSF certification available as an upgrade. The symbol is stamped on the can, dasher and lid if local health departments require it.

The electrically powered Country freezers are very sophisticated with an onboard amp meter to show when the motor is pulling high amps indicating that the ice cream is completed.

Cottage Craft is an online company that specializes in finding quality Amish made products and bringing them out of the Amish communities to offer to the public.

Cottage Craft Works has the largest selection of Amish made ice cream freezers and brands from all three Amish companies. The company also carries all the Accessories, parts and support for those products. They even carry replacement parts for the older White Mountain Freezers that are not available anywhere else.

Self Contained Iceless Electric Country 20-qt Ice Cream Maker

Self Contained Country Iceless 20-qt Gas Power Ice Cream Machine

Country 20-qt Wagon Mounted Gas Ice Cream Freezer

Country 20-qt Direct Drive Electric Ice Cream Maker

Bulk Homemade Ice Cream Maker-Machines-Churns

Commercial duty old-fashioned homemade ice cream maker-machines-churns bring old-fashioned ice cream to events, venues, festivals and church socials.

The Amish USA made old-time wooden tub ice cream makers relive the memories and flavors of making homemade ice cream on location at county fairs and festivals.

Many families began as couples sought out using ice cream as an initial way to bridge introductions while visiting at church socials, county fairs, and festivals. Later many family arguments were also settled over a scoop of homemade ice cream as it always brings a smile and compromise to almost any situation.   

Whether if you’re looking to make a profit at making homemade ice cream or just wanting to please a large crowd of people these combinations of Amish made Country, Immergood and Lifetime Ice Cream makers will fit the bill.

Ice cream maker manufacturers have become so competitive using imported parts these days they have lost sight of the end user consumer and their needs.

A simple old-fashioned ice cream freezer built strong enough to hold up to multiple batches of making ice cream just almost seems non-existent these days.

Most store-bought ice cream makers are either for an occasional small batch of homemade ice cream at home and are just not made to last. Many have become frustrated when they break down using them to make even small batches of ice cream for family reunions and events.

Many families discover when they pull out their ice cream freezer out of storage for the 4th-of July Holiday that it is no longer working.

Generally, ice cream maker manufacturers are no longer offering anything over a 6-qt size as they know their gear frames and electric motor heads just will not withstand the pressures of making an 8-qt batch of frozen hard ice cream.

To find a bulk ice cream machine most will Google and quickly find commercial soft serve machines running thousands of dollars above anyone’s budget. Plus, soft serve is just not like old-fashioned homemade ice cream.

Once upon a time in the late 1800s and early 1900s, several US companies were making well-built ice cream freezers up to 8, 10, and 20-qt sizes.

As generations moved away from the old-fashioned social events the demand for those ice cream freezers declined and the few remaining companies shifted focus to discount mega store sales and smaller families cutting sizes and cost by using cheaper made imported parts.

This became a real problem within the Amish communities who love to make homemade ice cream several times a week for their large families, weddings, and social events.

So, several Amish companies began reproducing the old-time ice cream freezers that they grew up with to feed the demand of future generations of Amish ice cream events.

The Amish made ice cream freezers are truly amazing in the old-fashioned materials and quality that are still being built into them. Country Freezer is the only company still making the nostalgic 20-qt wooden tub freezer that is still available on the old-time popping hit-n-miss motor powered wagon.

Country Freezer also has NSF certification available on the freezer can, dasher and can lid for commercial applications where local health departments require it.

As those old hit-n-miss motors have become more difficult to find the Amish have transitioned to gasoline and electric power for the Country 20-qt freezer.

One Amish company has gone as far as making an onboard wagon mounted 20-qt freezer and compressor to provide iceless homemade ice cream without using the old salt brine.

10-qt freezers are no longer being made but three Amish companies, Country, Immergood, and Lifetime are making an 8-qt and 6-qt ice cream freezer durable enough to serve ice cream to larger groups of people.

Cottage Craft is an online company that specializes in finding quality Amish made products and bringing them out of the Amish communities to offer to the public.

Cottage Craft Works has the largest selection of Amish made ice cream freezers and brands from all three Amish companies. The company also carries all the Accessories, parts and support for those products. They even carry replacement parts for the older White Mountain Freezers that are not available anywhere else.

The 8-qt Stainless Immergood freezers have become very popular for large families and even churches who purchase several at a time for their annual ice cream socials fundraising events.

The Country 20-qt direct drive motor ice cream freezer with the NSF certification is very popular with ice cream shops, carnival vendors, and even restaurants as far away as France and South America.

These ice cream freezers not only make ice cream they can be used to make all types of frozen treats. One vendor only makes and sells frozen lemonade in his 20-qt Country freezer and sells out early.

Country 20-qt Direct Drive Electric Ice Cream Freezer

Country 20-qt Self Contained Gas Powered Ice Cream Maker

Self Contained Iceless Electric 20-qt Ice Cream Maker

Gas Powered 20-qt Ice Cream Freezer

Immergood Ice Cream Freezers

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Made in America Homemade Ice Cream Freezers-Makers

Three USA Amish companies Country, Immergood, and Lifetime are still making old-fashioned ice cream freezers as they were made in the early 1900s. These are Amish companies who have developed ice cream freezers based on the original American standard WM ice cream freezer.

You might ask why are Amish made ice cream freezers such a big deal since these people don’t seem to be as technological inclined?

The Amish for one has a rather refreshing view of how things should be made. They don’t subscribe to planned obsolescence. Out of the same frustrations encountered by most over cheaper made imported products the Amish have developed their own products with an overkill in quality parts and materials used. This combined with the attention to quality details and making products to last for generations is what raises the bar on Amish made products. 

As the country transformed to electricity up through the mid-1900s and then experienced an industrial shakeup with a flood of cheaper imported products, the Amish who depend on living off-grid found the supply of quality non-electric goods and wares in shorter supply. Already master furniture builders and skilled machinist the Amish began reproducing items to use in the Amish communities.

You might be surprised at just how technological the Amish have become, they just power things a little bit different than most factories with massive power lines attached.

Tucked in the white buildings next to their homes you will find very advanced machine shops and manufacturing facilities with tools and machinery ran by diesel powered generators, air compressors, or hydraulic pumps.

As the Made in America movement widens and the public steer clear of imported products the Amish made products are really a great value if you can find them.

Since the Amish are not big on computers you won’t find these tucked away factories by a Google Search. Companies such as Cottage Craft have spent decades traveling the back roads within the various Amish communities to seek out these high-quality American made products and bring them to the public.

The Amish appreciate the additional market exposure of their products and depend on the additional revenues generated by outside sales. Otherwise, their marketing is limited to word of mouth or print advertising in Amish papers and flyers as they don’t use the Internet, TV or radio adverting directly.

Cottage Craft Works has been providing a niche market for Amish made products for over a decade now. They are the only online store that has all three brands of Amish made ice cream freezers, plus the folks at Cottage Craftworks are extremely knowledgeable in helping you select the right one for your homemade ice cream making needs. They were the first to discover and bring the Immergood Freezers to the market. 

Just as the small cottage business they serve, Cottage Craft Works owners still answer the phone and provide that old-fashioned customer service that is very rare these days.

While other stores might have one of the brands to sell you, Cottage Craft Works carries all the different models, accessories and replacement parts to support your purchase. They also have the ice cream freezers in stock while others are out of stock.

Ice cream freezers are available in the old-time wooden buckets or the newer highly insulated poly and fiberglass buckets. All the hardware used on the buckets is made from quality stainless steel and made to use and last. All the freezer cans are made with thick stainless steel. Choices range from traditional nickel-plated dashers to all stainless dashers. Hand crank freezers have USA made gears, two brands Immergood and Lifetime, use only stainless-steel gears. Immergood uses wear bushings and does not require grease. Electric motor versions are also available including an all USA motor.

Two brands Immergood and Lifetime also offer insulated tub covers for extended storage of ice cream after it has been made. This is particularly beneficial when serving large groups of guest who might come and go throughout the afternoon. Other stores may not offer this tub cover accessory.

See all the Amish ice cream freezers brands and accessories including the old-fashioned wagon mounted event freezers at Cottage Craft Works Ice Cream Freezers.

Cottage Craft Works, is a full line general store with all their products listed online for easy one stop shopping. It’s much like taking a trip back into time to see all the old-time products they still offer.  If you grew up in the 1950s or 1960s you will appreciate having to once again have access to these vintage products.

Immergood Ice Cream Freezers

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Homemade Ice Cream Maker | Amish USA Made

Serious homemade ice cream enthusiast turn to Amish USA made ice cream makers because they know the Amish build things to use often and to last for years.

Like most products that have become caught up in the discount store price wars; imported off the shelf ice cream makers just are not holding up for serious semi monthly or weekly homemade ice cream family events.

These imported machines might work fine for a once a year family gathering but to make several gallons as often as the Amish make homemade ice cream those imported makers just don’t hold up for very long.

Country Freezers are Amish made and have been the king of the ice cream freezers used in the Amish communities for decades.  They are available in sizes as small as small as 1 qt to 20 qt. Country Freezers feature the nostalgic white oak stave barrel s with a thick stainless steel can, and heavy duty nickel plate dasher for up to the 8 qt size. The 8 and 20 qt uses a stainless steel dasher.  The 20 qt can even be ordered with NSF approval stamp.

Country Freezers have traditional been made as a hand crank but in more recent years companies are retro fitting the White Mountain electric motors on the 6 qt models. Country Freezer has also introduced their American made electric motor. Since the motors are being made in small quantities they are rather expensive.

Another Amish company has introduced the Immergood Ice Cream Freezers and in many ways has even further raised the bar on Country Freezers. Immergood has combined years of experience in using the older White Mountain freezers along with the Country Freezers. Their more practical use approach has been to get rid of the more expensive oak tub and to replace it with a super insulated double wall poly tub that will not leak over time. They have even developed an insulated cover to place over the top of the tub after the ice cream has been made to hold it for hours.

Immergood has also wisely placed great emphasis in improving the tub ear and tub latch system that has all become nonexistent on the imported freezers. The frustrations of the continuing gear frame wobbling and jumping out of the slots when the ice cream began to harden on other models brought Immergood to a positive latching cam lock system. The tub ear and latch are made of heavy stainless steel that is probably an overkill in design but very common to Amish made products that are just made to last.

Immergood also uses stainless steel gears on the hand crank models and like Country Freezers have a heavy duty can, and nickel plate dasher. Immergood also did away with the wooden scrapers and use a food grade white poly used to make bearings and slides in food processing equipment.

Immergood is only available in 6 qt and 8 qt models.  The 6 qt can be purchased with a White Mountain electric motor or upgraded with a Country Freezer motor. Immergood has a USA motor in development. The 8 qt only comes in hand crank at the moment.  A complete stainless steel gear frame, dasher, and can are also available in the 8 qt.

Cottage Craft Works carries both of the Amish Country and Immergood Ice Cream Freezers as well as all the accessories and parts. They were the first company to introduce Immergood to the general public. While some others are now selling Immergood freezers they are not offering the two sizes or all the accessories.

Cottage Craft Works also offers all the replacement parts for White Mountain freezers including Amish made upgrade tub latches, ears and tub centers.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Old Fashioned Quality Built Ice Cream Freezers | USA Immergood

Homemade ice cream lovers have been frustrated with the lack of a quality built ice cream freezer like they remember growing up with. 

Ice Cream Freezers are a prime example of the discount store squeeze to produce competitive products at rock bottom prices  and still make a handsome profit for share holders.

For those who grew up in the 1950s and even up into the 1970s making ice cream in a hand crank freezer was the highlight of many summer Sunday afternoons.

As people now try to find the type of quality freezers to make a new family tradition they are finding a very much water down version made of thin materials and plastic parts. 

Manufactures have also reduced the capacity because the cheaply made gear frames just will not handle large batches of ice cream.

Immergood introduced their original 6 qt freezer and it became almost an overnight sensation for those who have been craving this level of quality being reproduced much like ice cream freezers manufactured at the turn of the century.

Immergood just recently introduced an 8 qt model to fill a huge void since White Mountain stopped making an 8 qt option years ago.

Why is Immergood bucking the trend?  Well Immergood is an Amish company that started up from the same frustrations of finding a long lasting quality ice cream freezer.

Immergood is not new to the Ice Cream Freezer business and is well positioned to take the company well into the future.  The parent company has been dealing in ice cream freezers and parts for a number of decades replacing the imported gears with USA made gears for the Amish communities.

The Amish view products as functional long lasting products they use day in and day out to support their conservative back to basic lifestyle.

Before electrification of the rural areas most everyone had hand crank off grid products that were readily available. Products were just made to last longer during this time as well.

When the Amish are unable to no longer find those quality products they tend to begin making it for the large Amish communities across the country.

Immergood double wall insulated leak proof tubs, an all stainless steel positive tub latch system and then topped with a heavy duty gear frame places Immergood Ice Cream Freezers well ahead of the pack.

Immergood freezers will hold ice cream for several hours depending on the outside temperatures.

An optional tub cover is also available for the 6 qt and will soon be available for the 8 qt freezer.

Order Immergood Ice Cream Freezers from

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