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Showing posts with label Amish recipes | cookbooks | recipes | Amish recipe | main dish recipe | dessert recipes |. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amish recipes | cookbooks | recipes | Amish recipe | main dish recipe | dessert recipes |. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Select Local Choices For Your Food Options

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Find Local Choices Food Options

Select Local Choices For Your Food Options

Want a healthier you?  A greener planet?  Stronger community? Local Choices is one place to start.  The authors give you lots of how-to on joining local foods movement.  Local Choices provides the motivation plus the resources, recipes, and simple steps you can take to make a difference for you, your family and your world.

In a readable and understandable way, Local Choices explores health, environmental, economic, and community reasons to eat locally.  The clear direction and helpful stories as a handbook for beginners, and encouragement/entertainment for committed locavores.  The local food movement offers humble solutions to the obesity epidemic, threats to food security, slumping local economies, degradation of farmland, addiction to oil and alienation between consumers and farmers.
-Dr. D.J. Mcfadden
Health Commissioner – Holmes County, Ohio

Table of Contents

•    The Benefits of Local Foods
•    Voting with Your Fork
•    Eating with the Seasons
•    Finding Local Foods
•    Serving the Harvest
•    Bringing Children on Board
•    Surviving the Off-Season
•    Dinning Out Closer to Home
•    Flowers: Going Beyond Food
•    Visions for the Future
•    A Quick Guide to Vegetable and Fruit Storage and Preservation
•    What’s in Season?

Amish recipes | cookbooks | recipes | Amish recipe | main dish recipe | dessert recipes |

Find Local Choices Food Options   Find Local Choices Food Options   $11.99  Buy Now 

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