Just like a custom made pair of cowboy boots, our leather craftsmen make each one of our leather holsters and products one at a time. They use only the best heavy-weight, premium leather harvested and tanned in the United States. Unlike other leather imported from foreign countries such as Mexico, leather tanned in the United States utilizes a vegetable oil tanning process. Many of the leather products imported still use urine, some of it Human, in the tanning process, thus when the leather becomes wet it will actually give off a foul urine odor. This will often occur with Mexican and other imported cheap leather products. The leathers used in our products are also much thicker than the imported leather, and will hold up to even to hardest use and abuse to someday become a family heirloom.
Using thicker leather means the stitching has to be thicker; our craftsmen use a thread thickness very similar to cord. The thicker the leather the better the holes punched during the sewing process will not pull through on the edges after years of hard use. Also the thicker the thread, the less likely it will break at the corners and other stress points in the leather product. Our craftsmen also double and triple stitch stress points such as belt loops, to provide years of use.
Our fancy tooled leather is actually hand tooled the old fashioned way. A tradition passed down from generations of leather craftsmen. The imported and many American mass produced leather products use a process of machine stamping to simulate the look of hand tooled leather.
Each of our handcrafted leather holsters are cut to the exact fit for a specific pistol and the exact barrel length. Massed produced holsters are cut to one size to fit multiple pistols and then machine molded to fit a specific range of pistol sizes. This process may vary on how a specific pistol and barrel length will fit into the holster. Too much play and the pistol may easily fall out when a concealed carried weapon individual bends over, or the weapon may fit too snug making it difficult to draw when time is critical.
Machine molding can actually thin and weaken the leather around the profile of the weapon, this area is also the most common wear point during the life of a holster, and thus the potential for wear tear through in a short time is very high. The stress points on our leather products are riveted together using cadmium plated rivets; Cadmium protects the metal from corrosion and blackening around the rivet and or rusting when the leather becomes wet. Many cheap holsters are made with inferior rivets that blacken the leather or will rust and eventually separate.
On the leather holsters using a belt clip, our craftsmen uses only the best quality heavy duty stainless steel clips. The clips are full enclosure device to lock securely around the belt. Others will use a short clip much like on a tape measure. These often pop off the belt during bending and kneeling. When carrying around a loaded weapon, the worst thing that can happen is for a clip to easily pop off or the clip breaks from stress allowing the weapon to fall out to the floor or to a hard surface and potentially discharge.
Sure you can find cheaper holsters online, but you won't find any at the quality that we provide her at Cottage Craft Works.
Cottage Craft Works and CCW Hunting and Game Calls
The best selection of American made leather and nylon gun holsters are at Cottage Craft Works and CCW Hunting and Game Calls. If you need a custom leather or nylon gun holster for hunting or self protection with a conceal and carry permit, be sure to check out the large selection of holsters at http://www.cottage craft works.com